
A few months back I read this quote somewhere and it read “Life is complex because it has both real and imaginary parts”. I was admiring the quote and discussing it with a friend and ex-colleague of mine when an idea struck my mind like a flash of lightning. Thanks a lot Manish for that short chit chat... It inspired me to write this post.

The quote seems very true to me. Life really is complex and it does have both real and imaginary parts to it. The best part about this being that the imaginary part is denoted by the ‘i’ which also indicates the 'self'. Most humans hardly know the ‘i’ part. They do not know what they are and what they are capable of. ‘i’ stands for √-1 and this can only be imagined and not appreciated enough by many. By changing the value of ‘y’ in a complex number ‘x + iy’, we alter the boundaries of ‘i’.

Our imagination truly has no bounds. Most things are achievable if we able to imagine doing so. This imagination then becomes a thought which is later manifested into reality.  Our imagination is nothing but our thoughts. Our thoughts define the ‘i’ which ultimately means that out thoughts define us.

If Beethoven had no imagination then he could never have composed tunes after he became deaf. It is solely because he imagined the tunes in his beautiful mind that he was able to compose it.  Even Stephen Hawking for that matter couldn’t be what he is today if it was not for his thought.
Well, if imagination increases manifolds and is beyond control then we lose the ability to control the thoughts. The thoughts will begin to ambush us and we get lost in those thoughts. We lose ground and lose touch with the reality. This is where the real part of life comes into picture. When the real and imaginary parts are put together in the apt quantities, the ‘i’ will accomplish its meaning and the path of our life is shaped.

So, it is very essential that we realise how important our thoughts are and how to give meaning to our life through these thoughts.
4 Responses
  1. pallavi Says:

    The concept of Mathematics being related to life needs lot of understanding in both life and Maths... esp dealing with complexity....

  2. Asha Says:

    @pallavi: MAths is my fav... so wen i found somehtin tht cud be related b/n life n maths I just grabbed the opportunity.. Math and nature are highly inter-related. :)

  3. Unknown Says:

    Well written Asha... Just adding from a philosophical point of view, All the knowledge is creation of humans who have been developed with the passage of time... We continue in the evolutionary process with various dimensions of our complex brains... After all peace comes from within, meditating upon oneness... Maths is a reality, while that supreme power remains imaginary...

  4. Asha Says:

    @bunny: True... Totally agree.. :) Thnx for sharing this lovely idea...