
You are.......

     like the pearl resting in an oyster
          like the rainbow beaming in the sky
               like the smile spilling from a baby's lips
           like the seedling growing out of land
          like the fresh air atop the mountains
                  like the clear water gushing down a river
            like the love filled in a mother's heart
                like the first rays of sun kissing the land

               This is the way I see you...................


This image reminded me of William Wordsworth's lovely poem 'Daffodil'.. Wonder if this is anything close to what he saw or imagined while writing it... I love that poem and hence I'm mentioning it here so that you too can enjoy it... 

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed---and gazed---but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils. 


My love for thee can be expressed
Neither through words nor by actions
Thinking of it makes me feel depressed
'Cos my love is different from those in fictions

I ponder, should I tell you or shouldn't I
Not knowing what to do, I'm in a fix
On telling you, I'm sure I'll have to cry
But silence makes me feel like its a jinx

My feelings are buried deep in my heart
Now my heart  is haunted like a graveyard
My love for you is passion, its a feeling, its an art
I try to suppress it but that is so hard

Love doesn't heed if I ask it to go away
Instead it tells me this something every moment
It wouldn't go before it makes me pay
Not even before you know of this and comment

Have you ever felt the way I feel?
Oh! even if you have, you wouldn't tell me
It's a wound in my heart that wouldn't heal
Unless I tell you how much I love thee!!

Too many places I have been
And lots of people I have seen
A few are rich and rest are poor
The rich make merry while the poor always worry

Though I want to help the poor
They think I'm not any better
The rich can, I'm sure, help the poor
But that kind among them are rare I fear

My gift to the poor is through my deed
But that is not what they need
Money is what they want for feed
But do I have any money growing seed?

The rich lead a lavish life
Oblivious to the poor man's strife
They often wish to live to eat
While the starving poor has no retreat

Not all the rich are not the same
For some are rich only by name
With welfare of the poor deep in their heart
And that keeps them from the rest apart

And that's why I really don't mind being poor!!!

We grew up holding each others' hands
I followed every step that you took
All I wanted was to be like you
Anything that you did always seemed perfect to me

Though we have never tried telling each other
How much we care for and love each other
I think we should have articulated it
So we could shun the newly developed aloofness between our hearts

How much I pine for your presence around me!!!!
How much I miss tickling your tummy!!!!
How much I yearn to hog pizzas with you!!!!
How much I long to play cricket with you!!!

People say whatever happens it happens for the best
What good did all this bickering bring to any of us?
I just want to run to you and hold you tight
Cry to my heart’s content and say to you over and over again....

“I love you my dear brother and I cannot afford to lose you ever….”


Was there love between us or did I just imagine it?
During those beautiful days that we spent together
My heart resembles a country thats drought hit
I guess it will remain the same forever and ever

Now everytime I see you looking at me
I feel a thousand knives piercing my heart
Everytime you talk like this was all meant to be
I feel you knew of this right from the start

You took me to a magical place and deserted me in that maze
I was on my own when I had to find my way
Now the entire world mocks at me with disgrace
I donot know why I have nothing in return to say

This pain is overbearing and it brings no bliss
To withstand it I need some strength from above
I know the only remedy to all of this
Thats why all that I now want is to be killed by your love.........

Today as I read about the student who was caught for malpractice during exams, it really got me thinkin!!!!!! That too a med student!!! Wat r all the bracketed B.E. students doin?????? (Story of bracketed B.E. comin up shortly)

I was ashamed of myself!!! Being a telecomm engg student I never even bothered to design somethin remotely associated with the device used by this brilliant guy... Such an idea never even struck my dormant brain... No wonder I had to struggle through the engg course... Maybe if I had followed this idea then I wud hav passed all my subjects in the first attempt!!!!!!!!! Wow!!! I hav mixed emotions now... Happy and sad!!! Happy just at the thought of sailing smoothly thru B.E and sad cos I didnot get this idea earlier...

All this brings back one particular person to my mind.. A senior of mine who stayed next to my PG window used to wear the same white shirt to all the exams......... I never got a chance to check if he wrote the exams with his collar up or down.... Maybe he was way ahead of his time... ;) I'll confirm this if at all I ever meet him!!!!

Well!!!!!!!!! Kudos to the guy who got caught!!!!!!! Hats off to him!!!!!!!! He should have been studyin to be an engineer rather than to be a doc!!! Maybe its still not too late to follow ur dreams!!!!!! He can just say "Aaall izzz welll!!!" and move on...;) ;)