
I wasn't a vagabond in the initial years of my life....I was settled in my cozy home for 17 years during my schooling..

Then when I started getting a little too comfortable there, my parents decided it was time to let me fly so that I could learn to be independent... I was very excited about the whole thing... But little did I know how difficult it was...

I felt like I was Nemo lost in the Pacific, and I did end up in a hostel which was like a collection of specimen including me... But all the specimen were extremely good at heart and from then on started the most beautiful days of my independent life...

I was an apprentice, ready to learn new lessons in life... As I look back now, I realize I got to learn many more lessons in life than I could ever imagine to want to learn... I experienced disappointment, failure, heart break and ridicule during some days... But most of my days were filled with fun, deep friendship, care and laughter...
College was hell with all subjects flying above my head and throwing villainous shrieks at me... I felt like I was Lt. Chris Burnett trapped behind enemy lines or like Jack Sparrow marooned on an island ..... I survived ..... All this with the help of friends who kept adding up in my list..... some touched my life over a long period but some stayed for as few as 14 days and changed my life forever... Everybody had something to teach me and some leave behind wonderful memories...

All these years have been the pages of my life that have been carved in gold... Soooo precious and soo memorable!!! Ohhh my God.. I'm feeling sooo nostalgic now...

6 Responses
  1. Barnali Says:

    Beautiful, amazing, wonderful blog i appeciate u ,every body have their own opiean about life .
    Asha - you are an awesome person. Beautiful inside and out.keep writing .. good luck.. :)

  2. I have hardly interacted with u that i donno much bout u..
    May be will get to knw much after following ur blog..
    good writing buddy..
    take care..

  3. Unknown Says:

    keep it up good writing

  4. Remember our school days.. dear its great that u have started this blog... do find time to write when u enjoy doing it ... this one was lovely.. well written....even i write... but heheh not so good... :) good luck.. and keep up this passion :)

  5. hi,,I liked ur way of writing and expressing your feelings,,,
    Good,, i m fervently waiting for ur continuation of blog,,,
    This is just inspiration words to ur blog writting,,

    Wisdom is the sharing of wise experiences and knowledge, but a lot of it is common sense. The difference is how we apply this common sense - we all have the ability to keep going even when we face challenges in our lives - basically it comes down to your attitude.

    We can have a positive attitude towards life, or a negative attitude. We can focus on the good or we can focus on the bad. Keeping a positive mental attitude is one of the keys to success.
    The choice is always up to you!

  6. Asha Says:

    @ Barnali : Thanx a ton.. U are one of the few ppl who have made me what i am today!!!!!

    @ Rachana : Thank u... I too hope the same!!!!

    @ jacks : I dont seem to kno u... But anyways thanx a lot for the encouraging words... Always looking forward for frank comments..... :)

    @ PASSion buCKET : Of course I do remember... Well, your poems are lovely... :)

    @ shaila : Thanx a lot shailaji.... Thanx for the amount of tym spent on writing those wonderful and inspiring words... U kno i've already chosen the former.... Im grateful to u for helping start with this... :)